So, after some trial and error, I think I’m done switching GNU/Linux distros. For the time being. My family’s machines all run Windows for now, and they need my help. I need to understand what a Windows is in order to fully cover it. I could just Google whatever is happening, yes, but I prefer a more hands on approach to handling things tech wise. If I need to know a macOS, I’m already covered. Used it for most of my life. So, switching to Linux for almost 2 years was easy. Ubuntu, then Debian GNU/Linux, then Antergos/Arch, then back to Ubuntu and its flavors, and then back to Debian GNU/Linux, and so on and so forth. I’m a “distro-hopper” as they call it. But there came a problem.
I installed a new HDD to my laptop, 1 TB. But all the sticks for Ubuntu are either dead or outdated, and my Antergos stick isn’t working. I blame the buggy installer. But for backup and technical reasons that are too long to go into, I kept a (cracked) Windows 10 installer USB laying around. I figured I’d see if it would install on my laptop any better, since it shipped with Win10. And it did. So after about 5 or 6 hours total of tweaking, updating, installing useful programs, and so on, it’s… tolerable. I prefer GNU/Linux still. It’s easy better for a tech-savvy person like me. Plus, muh software freedoms.
Anyways, I’ll be experimenting with Win10 and Microsoft Office 2016 (as a college student, I got it for free), so expect some more blog posts in the future. I kind of prefer LibreOffice, but whatever.
I’m also experimenting with Bitcoin, despite being an Anarcho-Communist. I think it’s a good short term solution to bank-free and government-free economy, until we achieve FULLY AUTOMATED GAY LUXULARY SPACE COMMUNISM.